Curl Curl

Photography, collage and risograph printing


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In this fictional brief, the ask was to create an A3 poster representing the suburb Curl Curl’s characteristics and features. 

To help communicate the idea that Curl Curl once was a ‘river of life’ and needs to be preserved, I have used techniques such as composition, symbolism and repetition of bird life and water patterns to enhance the narrative and make the audience feel more connected to the message being conveyed.

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Photography was used to document the suburb of Curl Curl, highlighting its connection to water, a crucial theme in the brief.

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A visual collage technique was used to bring an illustrative quality to the artwork.
Additionally, risograph printing informed the colour choices and gave a tactile feel to the finished product. 

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Visible LightConceptual | Visual Identity | 3D Printing

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SidewaysPhotography | Visual Storytelling | Personal Work



Madeleine Mary (She/Her)
A graphic designer and creative director with expertise in brand development, experiential design and photography. 
I help organisations build audiences with visual storytelling and branding.



© Madeleine Mary 2024