September 9, 2014No Comments

Breaking up with Whistler… again

Yes, my darling, this is the end for us.

Maybe because we weren’t able to overcome a few small problems…  like me actually wanting to live with my husband. But I know we will always be close to each other - we will bump into each other on ski vacations in the future, I'm sure.

Massive mountain hugs


For now, lets just remember the good times...

Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-1_Stellars_Jay_Feather Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-2_Joffre_Lake Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-3_Joffre_Lake Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-4_Sacred_Rocks Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-5_Peak_to_Peak Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-6_Ghost_Town Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-7_Train_Wreck Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-8_Squamish_Loggers Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-9_Bear_Bin Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-10_Snow_Wall Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-11_Coast_Mountain_Photo Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-12_Hiking Madeleine_Mary_Whistler-13_Jace_In_Gondola

August 24, 2014No Comments

Inhale the good shit. Exhale the bullshit.


Yesterday I breathed for over an hour. Like really breathed in. I filled my lungs with a super powerful life force and it was a bit crazy.

I attended a workshop by this guy Robin Clements  at the Nita Lake Jivamukti Yoga studio. I wont go into the details of his technique here (cause I want to keep this brief) but there is a ton of info on his website.

Exhaling the bull shit : I felt out of sync with the class. I didn't belong. They were serious hippies and I am an out of place fake. Repetitive thoughts kept bubbling up... you are not good enough Madeleine.

Inhale the good shit: After a while, I decided that I didn't need to connect with them. My flow was deeper, my connection was to the earth and that was all that mattered.

So in summary of the knowledge this workshop gave me: I have some serious doubts about my self-worth, but I am supported enough to have the courage to dive in and have a look around.

June 6, 2014No Comments

Standard Post

Nam semper lacus eu enim sagittis vitae malesuada libero molestie. Nunc orci risus, iaculis at aliquet vitae, hendrerit at est. Proin quis sapien nec eros tempor sodales. Curabitur et lacus sed orci rhoncus luctus. Mauris gravida eleifend est vel sodales. Vestibulum mattis pulvinar mi, faucibus rutrum dui ultrices non. Vestibulum sollicitudin lacus non nisl dignissim facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque facilisis semper congue. Read more

June 5, 2014No Comments

Everything is everything

With all things and in all things, we are relatives. - Sioux

Oneness with nature sympbolised by a multiple exposure portrait

This picture represents where my mind goes when it is quiet. I learn so much from the tree. The tree is me.

Photographed by my photo hero on the way to Joffre Lakes, BC Canada.

May 31, 2014No Comments

Kombucha looks nasty


DIY detox tea for under $1 per litre

Normally I have the slowest metabolism in the world, but not when I drink tea that looks like it is made from an alien's fetus...!

Kombucha is a raw, fermented, probiotic, and naturally carbonated tea. One of its greatest health benefits is its ability to detox the body. It is also said to aid in cancer prevention.

I started making it at home a couple of weeks ago and it is keeping me feeling light and energised.

It is made from water, tea, sugar and a fermenting culture called a SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast).



Madeleine Mary (She/Her)
A graphic designer and creative director with expertise in brand development, experiential design and photography. 
I help organisations build audiences with visual storytelling and branding.



© Madeleine Mary 2024